Michał Krassowski

Results 371 issues of Michał Krassowski

## Description I work on multiple projects using JupyterLab. Each time I re-open a project by using `jlab path/to/project` the environment gets reset to the last selected environment in any...

## Description Installing jupyterlab-git also fetches nbdime as a dependency. nbdime installation triggers a prompt for rebuilding lab, which we do not currently support. ## Reproduce 1. Create a new...


## Description The licence in the deb installer shows up as proprietary: ![Screenshot from 2021-12-03 16-08-02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5832902/144634557-3116c953-607e-4885-bdca-63d973c4818a.png) ## Reproduce Open the .deb file on Ubuntu 21.10 ## Expected behavior `BSD-3-Clause License`...


### Problem First, thanks for the awesome work on reviving this! I tested on Ubuntu and it works! There is the `Shift + Right Click for Browser Menu` entry, but...


### Problem Reporting errors in JS can be difficult because launching DevTools is not as easy in Electron (though still possible, e.g. with Ctrl + Shift + I). ### Proposed...


### Problem It is not currently very easy to install extensions, and it may be a demanding procedure when it comes to some extensions which require external dependencies. There are...


## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Viewing diffs of notebooks is very nice to narrow down what has changed, especially in long notebooks, however it...


## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently all commits generated from the UI are not signed. ## Describe the solution you'd like I would like...


Further exploring the proof-of-concept from https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/5499#issuecomment-785534333. Can fix https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab-git/issues/124 (the issue was open for a long time, it would be nice to resolve it for users who need it here...

Some exploration to address #932: - maybe we won't need to change the colour as JupyterLab 3.1 changed the colour definitions - I would like to add `:active` pseudo-class but...