Michał Krassowski

Results 371 issues of Michał Krassowski

Follow-up to https://github.com/betatim/vscode-binder/pull/61 Based on feedback after the PR was merged I arrived at a conclusion that JupyterLab should just set the `preferred-color` (https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/16299).

"Diseases of the eye and adnexia" should be "Diseases of the eye and adnexa" Reproduce: ```python import icd10 icd10.chapters[6] # ('VII', 'H00-H59', 'Diseases of the eye and adnexia') ```

Neat extension, just learned about it! If you would like to include arbitrary command support, feel welcome to check out the approach of [jupyterlab-voice-control](https://github.com/krassowski/jupyterlab-voice-control). The idea was that each interaction...

We could also allow the articles with frequently occurring search terms in the full text (compared to the full results)


There is an API which allows to easily retrieve pre-calculated tags of PubMed papers, with extracted bioconcepts including gene, chemical, disease, mutation and species: ![Screenshot from 2020-06-15 12-49-00](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5832902/84654170-9dc7c100-af06-11ea-94fb-826434115bc3.png) This can...


Opening files with matches from the sidebar is fine, but notebooks open as files for me. Scrolling to the cell with match should be easy enough when the match is...


I wonder if backporting instructions would be more helpful if instead of: ```bash git checkout 3.6.x git pull git cherry-pick -x -m1 1728207ffbad5baea1e77e4005230632bf6f16a6 git commit -am 'Backport PR #15279: Update...

The link was pointing to incorrect branch name.