Michał Krassowski

Results 1107 comments of Michał Krassowski

Hi @januz sorry I missed your question earlier - busy times. > I know that I could manually specify intersections in queries but that would be quite cumbersome. I agree,...

Right, sorry I copied the old code without thinking about this case. Here you go: ```R query_by_degree = function(data, groups, params_by_degree, ...) { intersections = unique(upset_data(data, groups)$plot_intersections_subset) lapply( intersections, FUN=function(x)...

Let's keep it open for now, this seems to be a common usecase and will benefit from an easier way to do this.

This comes down to the shape of the dots; by default ggplot uses 'circle' which uses color to fill the inside; if you switch to "circle filled" you will get...

This is because the `upset_data()` call inside of `query_by_degree()` did not get the `min_size` argument. A quick workaround would be to use: ```R query_by_degree = function(data, groups, params_by_degree, shared, ...)...

@aschmidt-amplify In other words you would like the parameter `sort_intersections` to accept a vector of arguments if `sort_intersections_by` is a vector, do I understand it correctly?

@mholtz2 did you load `library(ComplexUpset)`? If you don't want to attach it to the namespace you could just use `ComplexUpset::upset_data` instead.

I could not reproduce this, but my guess is that it is a problem of rendering engine not handling small slices of bars correctly and rounding each slice down to...

I think this would be a nice addition. For now I would propose using the following function: ```R all_intersections_except = function(sets, to_exclude) { possible_intersections = ComplexUpset:::get_intersection_members( rownames( ComplexUpset:::all_intersections_matrix( sets, NULL,...

Looking at the codebase, yes this is unfortunately the case - when using user-provided intersections we are computing all intersections and subsetting rather than compute the intersections of interest directly:...