K Pradeep Kumar Reddy
K Pradeep Kumar Reddy
i integrated Job Manager with Job scheduler by following this guide [https://github.com/yigit/android-priority-jobqueue/wiki/Integration-with-JobScheduler-and-GcmNetworkManager](url) Still the job is not running when the app is closed. I have set the batch mode as...
can i add a job to queue by specifying the delay after which it has to scheduled ??
what is the default job queue size ? How many jobs can be queued in the job queue by default ?
How to group jobs for serial execution ? Where is the documentation for all the features in this library ? I did not find the documentation, that is the reason...
does flashbar has option to generate sound when an alert message is displayed ?
How to show Alerter message at the bottom of the screen ?
Does Alerter have option to generate sound when message is displayed ?
**Version used:** 1.13.3 **Android version:** Android-9 On dismiss of TapTargetView, recycler view scrolls automatically. Why is this happening ? How to resolve this issue ? Why TapTargetView dismiss is affecting...
**Version used:** 1.13.3 **Android version:** Android - 9 How to set custom font to titleText ? I want to apply these style to the title text, How. can i do...
how to specify destination directory path ?