K Pradeep Kumar Reddy
K Pradeep Kumar Reddy
> hi > As long as the gps is turned on, i'm getting location updates, but when gps is turned off, i'm not getting location updates !!!!!!! > > Can...
I'm using two approaches. First approach is registering broadcast receiver to detect GPS settings change in foreground service. Following code is for Broadcast receiver `class GpsSettingChangedBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() { override...
Now does it not support Exoplayer ??
can anybody share some code samples for using this library ?
I also need this feature. I want to control the compression quality. With default compression, video output quality is very poor.
Any update on controlling the compression quality ?
> With default option, the compression result is poor that it doesn't fulfill my need. Kindly assist if there is any parameter to tweak to achieve some better quality of...
In a foreground service, i'm using FusedLocationProviderClient to request for location updates. I'm using foreground service because, i want location updates even when the app is closed. so far so...
I also saw this issue in the apk provided in this repo [https://github.com/jhansireddy/AndroidScannerDemo/blob/master/ScanDemoExample/apk/app-debug.apk](url) @jhansireddy Looks like this PR has not been merged for a very long time. I'm planning to...
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2016-12-01T05:40:15.666+05:30") @javax.annotation.Generated is causing error in android. I had generated the code for java client (okhttp-gson library). I have also added the following gradle...