Adds a new tutorial on configuring Pyramid with YAML. It probably won't build due to issue #231. I would like to add YAML config file support to the pyramid-cookiecutter-starter, or...
Hi, Following the instructions here: In the Build HTML docs step, the build fails with a 404. ``` $ make html SPHINXBUILD=../../venv/bin/sphinx-build ../../venv/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees -W ....
Hi, Following the instructions here: "Getting Started", step 5, produces: ``` $ venv/bin/pip install -e hack-on-cookbook/ ... Installing collected packages: snowballstemmer, pylons-sphinx-themes, zope.interface, urllib3, sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, sphinxcontrib-qthelp, sphinxcontrib-jsmath, sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, sphinxcontrib-devhelp,...
Hi, Much of the FOSS community has moved from to Pyramid should consider doing so also. (See, e.g., the bottom of )
The sample YAML config files do not have %(here)s, or any other interpolation. (The plaster-yaml interpolation code is broken, and, in any case, should probably be removed and replaced with...
Hi, A whole lot of freenode has migrated to According to, is the number 1 network. It might make sense to replace references to freenode with references...
Hi, There are (at least) 2 links on, the Tutorials and Cookbook links, that get a 404 when clicked on. They link to the domain.
When a bad settings URI (usually a path to a non-existant file) is supplied to one of pyramid's command line programs, and in general when there is a reason why...
Hello, Reporting here, since flake8 seems to want this sort of problem delegated to you. The following code uses await in a function that is declared without the async keyword,...