##### Summary An CoverageWarning error is raised as pytest completes during the build. FYI, the OS setup is such that ansible, ansible-lint, etc. is not installed in the OS. #####...
Hi, There does not seem to be much documentation for file uploads. Ideally something should be added in request.POST in the API docs. There is an example in the cookbook,...
Hi, Debian stable (10.7) My noscript "settings" page says last updated January 27, 2021, version 11.2. firefox-esr is stock debian. 78.6.1esr-1~deb10u1 (If you're not familiar, debian packages the upstream esr...
Hi, There is no documentation of needrestart's exit codes. At least not in the man page needrestart(1). Knowing exit codes could be useful. For example, when writing a shell script...
Hello, Add a section to the documentation that introduces psycopg features and vocabulary in narrative prose. Nothing wrong with what's there, which introduces by way of dissecting an example. But...
Hi, I'd like to have cookiecutter support for YAML configuration files. This would use [plaster-yaml]( Would you accept a patch that asks whether to use YAML, JSON, or PasteDeploy .ini...
ASolrDocument.php at line 232 says: if(($c=$this->defaultScope())!==array() || $createIfNull) { $this->_solrCriteria=new ASolrCriteria($c); but ASolrCriteria.php at line 13 says: public function __construct($data = null) { parent::__construct(); if ($data !== null) { foreach($data...
Hi, This makes it possible to copy configurations and avoid multiple interpolations, or interpolation errors. In a pyramid-cookiecutter-starter patch I pull out configuration from a yaml file and load it...
FYI. Unless the flake8-bugbear PR #35 is applied before this PR, I expect that the lint problems PR #35 fixes will exist and the linting will fail.
flake8-bugbear declares: `B017 'assertRaises(Exception)' and 'pytest.raises(Exception)' should be considered evil.` This eliminates the complaint. --- Again, it is unclear what the best match re is, or the more specific exception...