Ken Patel
Ken Patel
styleComment could have options instead of boolean choices: - tagOnly (currently styleComment:false) - tagAndFollowing (currently styleComment:true) - tagAndBefore (from first non-whitespace character to last character of tag) * accomplishes what...
Thanks for your quick response, Daniel! Our game engine and level editor are both built on the same underlying code base, which is built on top of Starling/Adobe Air. While...
Good point jamikado. In the long run I would prefer the data to be bundled with the TouchEvent, but I could certainly do that as a workaround. Thanks!
Yes, if stroke detection is added to SwfTexture.hasPotentiallySizeAlteringFilters(), I believe that would take care of it.
Hmm. I think my motivation for the above request was a bit misguided. However, it would still be useful in my usage to be able to set a scale factor...
If it helps, I implemented a way to do this in my fork of the flump depot. The way it works is you create a symbol in the same flash...
Using a generic setColor method would not account for display objects being removed and added to a Layer as the timeline advances. The proposed implementation deep-dives all child layers and...
This does not work for me, either, fwiw.