**Please Note: This form is the minimum required information for submitting bugs.** **Removing this form may lead to your issue being closed until it is completed.** Platform / OS /...
When a game ask me to change side b and i try to swap disc i get an error "failed to append disc" and the game dont continue
The game is not responding to the controls when you enable the multitap option side a or side b or both. It support 4 players but only 2 is enable...
In Heavyweight Champ (hwchamp) at the start screen it shows lvl 1 ,2 3 option to choose in mame but in fbneo is missing and there are some moves that...
At the stage of chaos( egypt) there is a slow down in frames and sound, this apear only in this stage (egypt).
in Gold Medalist even if you enable the demonstration before each event (in the dip switch) it does nothing...you dont see a demo of each event before you give it...
when you go to video screensaver options and try to change the choose font size ,if you navigate with a joypad and try to stop in the font size menu...