Kouichi C. Nakamura
Kouichi C. Nakamura
Please give us a choice in Preference to enanle [toc] on Editor. It's simply a pain to go deal with a big markdown without [toc] jumps. Otherwise I may have...
Thanks for responding! Web page is here: https://www.google.co.jp/ime/ This should be the download link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/japaneseinput/eula.html?platform=mac 1. After installation, select Google Japanese Input as IME. 2. Then type whatever, eg `ai`...
Thanks. I have to say, I no longer do extensive image analyses using ImageJ these days. And I don't know much about CIAtah. Here are my thoughts: - (Miji) still...
Thanks. But the URL link `https://github.com/mathworks/MATLAB-Language-` results in 404 error. Did you mean `https://github.com/mathworks/MATLAB-Language-grammar`?
For #113, I created a text file `uninstallSIMBL.sh` and pasted [the code above](https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL/issues/64#issuecomment-346915057). I ran the shell script by `sh xxxxxx/uninstallSIMBL.sh` in Terminal. The script soon hung up. Looking at...
It appears this project is not maintained any more. I've encountered similar problems. #62 A dirty trick is to look at "UserData" property of the two figures and manually fix...
For clarity, does [this commit mentioned above](https://github.com/cortex-lab/allenCCF/commit/427d64c3c0772f7be4a138ed55d2ae18db626586) allow registering sagittal sections? Not just browsing?
Made a Pull Request https://github.com/cortex-lab/allenCCF/pull/58
Here is proof that the tool really works for parasagittal sections (BTW, I think it's officially called "parasagittal", rather than "sagittal," meaning that it is parallel to the sagittal plane...
I wrote an alternative for ImageJ1 `ImagePlus` as well. I agree that they are better to be included in ImageJ-MATLAB. In fact, it seems that `IJM.show(name)` is no longer needed....