希望能有适用于switchyomega的AutoProxy格式的whitelist. 这样我瞅一眼switchOmega我就知道这网站有没有走代理了
``` ▃▆█▇▄▖ ▟◤▖ ◥█▎ ◢◤ ▐ ▐▉ ▗◤ ▂ ▗▖ ▕█▎ ◤ ▗▅▖◥▄ ▀◣ █▊ ▐ ▕▎◥▖◣◤ ◢██ █◣ ◥▅█▀ ▐██◤ ▐█▙▂ ◢██◤ ◥██◣ ◢▄◤ ▀██▅▇▀ ```
消息: https://twitter.com/Hiiragi_yuriko/status/1566237681306046464 类似脚本 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/450706
https://freems.1ove.club/baibai/#form 这个要不要加上
``` +------------------+-----------------+ | xonsh | 0.14.0 | | Python | 3.10.11 | | PLY | 3.11 | | have readline | False | | prompt toolkit | 3.0.38 | |...
``` +------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | xonsh | 0.13.4 | | Git SHA | 85e85edc | | Commit Date | Dec 8 14:22:27 2022 | | Python | 3.11.2 | | PLY |...
### Search first - [X] I searched and no similar issues were found ### What Happened? Check ip. show full ip. ### Reproduce the Bug Use ipv6 proxy. check ip....
https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-platform-mobile [Does KeePassXC work on mobile phones? If not, which app would you recommend?](https://keepassxc.org/docs/#faq-platform-mobile) We don't have our own mobile app, but you can have the same functionality on both...