Michael Shapiro
Michael Shapiro
I suspect the problem is due to the `sleep` call locking up the EM reactor while the 'Hello World' render has been buffered to the output stream, but not yet...
yeah, that'd be cool. PR welcome ;)
Hey @p1-ra, thanks for the PR. If you want to change the package.json to point at my repo rather than your fork, I'll merge it.
Hey there @Schultzer! This seems to happen when a job is "acked" (removed from the queue). The specific line indicates that the job has already been removed from the queue...
Hey @savtrip, thanks for the report! Where exactly are you seeing that happening?
Hey @sezaru, Can you give me a bit more information about what your use case is? I just want to make sure this isn't an XY problem. :) I try...
Are you running a multi-node mnesia cluster? I ask because ensuring that a job is written to disk on a single-node cluster isn't a lot of assurance that you'll have...
Hey there, I don't have any plans to implement it, but I'd be happy to include it in the repository if someone were to write it (and test it).
I haven't looked into it at all, but maybe you could do an update and a select within a single transaction to mimic the `RETURNING`?
Honeydew certainly wants strings for queries, it's calling [Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query/4](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_sql/Ecto.Adapters.SQL.html#query/4). So you should be able to provide any kind of free-form SQL you like in there, including a transaction, unless I'm...