
Results 43 issues of kotran88

- [x] I have read the [Get Started - Installation](https://inappwebview.dev/docs/get-started/installation/) section - [x] I have read and done the [Get Started - Setup Android](https://inappwebview.dev/docs/get-started/setup-android/) section - [x] I have read...


### Problem summary ### Steps to reproduce 1. First step, example: "Open example app" 2. Second step, example: "Turn on Bluetooth" I followed above step but cause error java.lang.SecurityException: Need...

I'm using ionic3 and when I load event, it's weird. I logged item in below code which should be event object of calendar it dosent have notes only have allDay,...

I'm using plugin on ionic3 it shows differently according to device. https://imgur.com/a/qX7IRAR as you can see on left side, some phone have white space on the right. how can I...

I saw https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/train-a-custom-yolov4-tiny-object-detector-using-google-colab-b58be08c9593 article and with my custom data, it infer very well ! now I'm trying to convert my weight file to pt file so that I can use...

version is 0.13.4 on portrait mode it's okay. but when I angled 270 degree to take photo in landscape, it happened. took photo quite well but preview is stretched and...

android code is as below I checked Serialport is opened, then I write string data to arduino ` serialPort = UsbSerialDevice.createUsbSerialDevice(UsbSerialDevice.CP210x, device, connection,0); if (serialPort != null) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"opened!!!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.e("dialog","serialport...

I had publish app to appstore. and it works very well. but I'm now did some change on code and found out that on IOS13 inappbrowser is not open properly(...


[image clicked](https://imgur.com/L4c3v64) as above, even though I set Text on floatingactionbutton, text is not shown, my code is as belows. I don't think code is problem because I get it...

normally when I take photo with camera plugin, result is base64 data like 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 but with this plugin , result of take picture is /data/user/0/io.ionic.starter/cache/cpcp_capture_9d98c1a4.jpg how can I get base64...