Dhruv Kothari

Results 15 issues of Dhruv Kothari

Step 1 - Fork this repository. Step 2 - Clone the repository to yuor local machine. Step 3 - Resolve this bugs, mentions provided in the Issues section of the...

good first issue

Add `.trim( )` function to remove unnecessary trailing and leading spaces and tabs from the username, which is logically correct also as GitHub username should not contain any space. Issue...

Consider a situation when a user has given whitespace in starting by mistake. For eg. instead of "kothariji" he wrote " kothariji ". So therefore api is not working. Please...

good first issue

Added Favicon. Resolved Issue #786

Favicon is not appearing on Documentation Site.

I want that, when I click on Add node button, the new node rendered on the screen should directly be connected to the parent node. How I can achieve this,...

## Description To add login functionality. Preferably we can go for firebase authentication with google.

Priority: Medium
new feature

**Describe the bug** Currently, the syntaxEditor Footer is too crowded. So we need to change the UI for the same. **To Reproduce** Clear steps describing how to reproduce the issue....


## Description To add Customisation options in syntaxpad like - increase/decrease brush size. - eraser - adding lines/curves - adding shapes like circle/ box. - changing background-color

Priority: Low