Konstantinos Tsichlis

Results 4 issues of Konstantinos Tsichlis

Press (un)ordered list toolbar icon. Then try to apply any Heading (1-6). The Heading has different behaviour, as it continues to apply its 'status' till the text is not visible...


Could you please include all the available options of '**SecAccessControlCreateFlags**' in the enumeration '**UICKeyChainStoreAuthenticationPolicy**'? I am not able to use the '**kSecAccessControlTouchIDCurrentSet**' option flag in my application. Is there any...

- New preprocessor macro added. Check if it is defined, in order to run the blocks of code which are unavailable in app extensions (see sharedApplication) - Podspec file modified....

There are references to [UIApplication sharedApplication] and UIAlertView in the UISS iOS library, which is forbidden in (Today)App Extension context .It would be great if UISS can be used for...