If following option is enabled: flaggy.DefaultParser.ProcessMultipleShorts = true following multiple options : -e -x -a -m -p -l can be written as: -exampl Since, it breaks previous behaviour, it is...
According to protocol specification, only username should be used for construction (without domain name). http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2759#section-8.2
If server side is not available for some time, client will disconnect and quit. That means losing shell. This is bit hackish implementation of reconnect/rebeacon. Also, implemented hardcoding of the...
Display stack trace, but do not fail and exit (losing shells can be nightmare) For example, dnscat2 server fails with following error messages on long running servers: Caught an error:...
Hello! Just tried your basic example on Haier Flexis Plus and got this error: ``` $ node dist/examples/index.js events.js:193 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: read ECONNRESET at...
Initial Windows support. Make it compile as host/target for the start.
from @emard: fujprog -t works but fujprog -t -P/dev/ttyUSB0 for me doesnt work. ujprog works with -t and with -t -P..
Currently, there is no progress when erasing the flash, so user could think something is frozen: https://asciinema.org/a/3CTC12FvfqBrcPUxilcEKHno2
Currently, parsing of command lineis does not support whitespace and quotes due to laziness. Workaround is to use "cmd /c" or "sh -c".
This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.Snyk has created this PR to upgrade multiple dependencies. 👯♂ The following dependencies are linked and will...