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Allow to control dialog button(s) and menu
I don't see any example even if I see some dialog with buttons (minimize, maximize, close etc..) and menu.
The question can you disable them (buttons), change the window to be resizable etc...? I checked the source code but I see nothing related to that.
For example making an app, my main window, ideally would be resizable, with a min / max and close button... but dialog (popup) would be mostly without the min/max buttons and fixed...
Also can you put menu on a dialog/window?
I want to start a new application (multi-os) and try to pickup a good lib. I tried JUCE but the way certain thing are handled are pretty bad (menu for example). I prefer to look for something more generic and fast to develop.
Do you plan to add some kind of table/grid controls, or can this be added using the current version of the lib?
Thank you!
For example making an app, my main window, ideally would be resizable, with a min / max and close button... but dialog (popup) would be mostly without the min/max buttons and fixed...
Making dialog boxes not resizable isn't supported yet.
Also can you put menu on a dialog/window?
It is possible to put menu bar on frame, see boost::ui::frame::menu_bar() function and demo example: https://github.com/kosenko/ui/blob/master/example/demo.cpp
Do you plan to add some kind of table/grid controls, or can this be added using the current version of the lib?
I'm thinking to add boost::ui::tree_table_widget class, but not in near future.