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Boost.UI library
Boost.UI is a C++ User Interface (GUI) Boost library that
- is cross-platform
- uses native system-provided widgets
- has STL-like and Boost-like API
- compatible with other Boost libraries
- supports modern C++11/14/17 features
Latest development documentation is available online.
- build - Build scripts and instructions
- doc - Documentation generator scripts
example - Examples
- example/hello.cpp - "Hello, world!" application
- example/asio_chat_client.cpp - Boost.ASIO chat client example
- example/chrono.cpp - Boost.Chrono and std::chrono usage example
- example/date_time.cpp - Boost.Date_Time usage example
- example/font.cpp - Font usage example
- example/filesystem.cpp - Boost.Filesystem and std::filesystem file manager
- example/interprocess.cpp - Boost.Interprocess usage example
- example/lexical_cast.cpp - Boost.Lexical_Cast usage example
- example/locale.cpp - Boost.Locale usage example
- example/random.cpp - Boost.Random and std::random usage example
- example/regex.cpp - Boost.Regex and std::regex usage example
- example/sort.cpp - Visualization of sorting algorithms
- example/thread.cpp - Boost.Thread and std::thread usage example
- example/timer.cpp - Boost.Timer usage example
- example/tokenizer.cpp - Boost.Tokenizer usage example
example/cpp11 - C++11 Examples
- example/cpp11/hello.cpp - C++11 "Hello, world!" application
- example/cpp11/beman.cpp - Beman's challenge
- example/cpp11/stacktrace.cpp - Boost.Stacktrace usage example
- example/cpp11/stroustrup.cpp - Re-implemented GUI examples from "Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup
- example/cpp11/io2d.cpp - Re-implemented examples from P0267 proposal (io2d library)
- example/cpp11/snippet.cpp - Documentation snippets
- example/cpp11/datarep.cpp - Data representation example
example/cpp17 - C++17 Examples
- example/cpp17/geometry.cpp - Boost.Geometry usage example
- include - Interface headers with documentation
- src - Source code
- test - Unit tests
Build instructions and dependencies
See build instructions.
Tested compilers: GCC 5.4.0, Clang 3.8.0, Visual C++ 9.0 (2008), 14.0 (2015), Travis CI and AppVeyor compilers.
Boost.UI depends on Boost.Config, Boost.Core, Boost.Function, Boost.Bind, Boost.Move, Boost.Optional, Boost.Tribool, Boost.Range and wxWidgets libraries. Also optionally Boost.Chrono and Boost.Date_Time could be used. Note that corresponding classes from C++11 Standard also could be used with Boost.UI if available.
Boost.UI is a binary library (not header-only) and must be built separately.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.