1) What is this "U3" Mfr. No (or. Mouser Part No.) ? "W25Q128JV" (Footprint:"PSON50P300X200X60-9N") (Density 128Mb, Frequency 133MHz ?) 2) [W25Q128JV_DTR] ( https://www.winbond.com/hq/product/code-storage-flash-memory/serial-nor-flash/?__locale=en&selected=128Mb#Density ) 3) W25Q128JV-IM/JM(2) valid part numbers: W25Q128JV-IM,...
cant add/update (fast) Wormhole "sys link"/Connections info (Description https://prnt.sc/giLEKLfzzuEq ) with COPY-Paste method? (WHY?) (But can add with copy-paste method: Signatures & (D-scan) Structures info.)
if Character "Gallente Citizen 2115966219" make map, then he cant share map to Character "Gallente Citizen 2115996035" ... Why? (but can share to "normal" names (like "RAUL REIMS")) Cant find...