Seyoon Ko

Results 36 comments of Seyoon Ko

@BrendonChau While I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, that certainly makes sense to me. The previous example wasn't just "tall" enough--perhaps we can change behavior in...

Which one do you think more affects the performance, parallelizing over the tiles in a column or loop unrolling via `Base.Cartesian.@nexprs`?

I need some clarification, as there already is parallelization happening with the current package. So do you mean limiting the parallelization to a single column has more impact than 20~30%...

I don't think it's anybody's fault, Ben. It's just that we have not designed a kernel for this specific operation. `LoopVectorization` is not really a good solution for SparseMatrixCSC. For...

The function `Base.convert(::Type{T}, x::UInt8, ::Union{Val{1}, Val{2}, Val{3}})` and `Base.copyto!( v::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, s::AbstractSnpArray; model::Union{Val{1}, Val{2}, Val{3}} = ADDITIVE_MODEL, center::Bool = false, scale::Bool = false, impute::Bool = false ) ` are only defined...

Changing ```julia Array{T,N}(s::AbstractSnpArray; kwargs...) where {T,N} = copyto!(Array{T,N}(undef, size(s)), s; kwargs...) ``` on to something like ```julia Array{T,N}(s::AbstractSnpArray; kwargs...) where {T,N} = throw(ArgumentError("Cannot convert $(typeof(s)) to Array{$T,$N}")) Array{T,N}(s::AbstractSnpArray; kwargs...)...

In Plink 2's fixed-width format, 0x00 encodes 0, 0x01 encodes 1, 0x02 encodes 2, and 0x03 encodes missing. This might be a good Int-representation for a SnpArray.

These are the first steps to set up gitlab-ci for GPU code with Julia: > First of all, you need to be the owner of your repository or Gitlab...

The source code is here. ... but can we find a text description?

Looks relevant: