Dmitriy Kosyrkov
Dmitriy Kosyrkov
**Please describe the problem / need you are trying to solve.** It's impossible to choose an epic for a user story in the create user story interface. Now I create...
This PR adds short docstrings to quickly check available fixtures and is especially usefull for new pytest-django users. I've noticed that some public fixtures don't have docstrings to give the...
I use `--no-migrations` option to create a test database by inspecting all models. This usually works well, but I got a problem with django models that have an `app_label` meta...
Код ниже вызывает исключение `StopIteration`: ```python gender_detector = PetrovichGenderDetector() gender = gender_detector.detect(middlename='Блаблабла') ``` Думаю в таком случае метод `detect` должен возвращать `Gender.ANDROGYNOUS`
This PR adds github CI tests workflow and some unit test. That allows to be shure that the lib works in different environments (python versions and different os). features: -...
backend: `mixer.backend.django` I get an infinite loop then I try to create objects for model with two ForeignKey fields and relation to self. For example: command `mixer.blend(SAPDepartment)` with the model:...