Ondřej Košarko
Ondřej Košarko
started from #515. watch the mentioned dspace issues... not mentioned issues (other than accents escaping) with citeproc-java: - a wrapper around citeproc-js which apparently has license incompatible with dspace -...
When withdrawing an item the system should - ask for the withdrawal reason - store the reason in provenance - store the reason in local.withdrawn.reason - in some cases display...
Fresh install should contain at least the licenses available in open license selector
This mainly concerns already existing items and their migration. The migration path should cover the following (maybe it does, in that case, this is just a reminder and a reference):...
Use case: You are submitting an article describing a dataset (that you want to host in the repository). The article goes through a review process. The dataset should be available...
since the `piwik_report` table is not created (and I have not found a replacement). I am wondering if the feature is available or not.
I'm expecting all the dspace (backend related) logs in [install-dir]/log. A lot of stuff actually ends up in catalina.out/tomcat stdout. Eg. these: ``` Feb 20 08:43:17 repository-new env[19763]: 08:43:17.946 [http-apr-8080-exec-8]...