clarin-dspace copied to clipboard
Citeproc/CSL support
started from #515. watch the mentioned dspace issues...
not mentioned issues (other than accents escaping) with citeproc-java:
- a wrapper around citeproc-js which apparently has license incompatible with dspace
- the released version (0.6) is broken with java8 (due to changed default js interpreter in java8). Seems this was fixed but not released later on.
Is the situatiuon still unchanged and Citeproc-Java is still broken?
In case this issue is better postponed to new UI, depending on what UI it is, maybe the implementation in Invenio / Zenodo would be relevant. I think this is the most common approach and I like it: include all the hundreds of CSL styles, pick one default and add a search box to change the citation style. Also allow export of the CSL itself. This is how they implemented it
look at how it relates
maybe related to #1115