Ondřej Košarko

Results 89 issues of Ondřej Košarko

1. The email variables are not interpolated...I got this: ``` Confirmation e-mail: https://someplace.example.com//login/autoregistration?verification-token=NOT_A_REAL_TOKEN _____________________________________ ${dspace.name}, WWW: ${dspace.url} Email: ${lr.help.mail} Tel.: ${lr.help.phone} ``` note the footer/signature 2. Seems there's an issue...

dq: done
ok: nope

The scenarios in this section test various header release policies by IDPs, in some cases they describe expected UI look. There are expectations on what needs to be configurable: -...

dq: in progress

- [x] #1070 - [ ] #1074 - [x] #1099


## Expectation This should fail and show a message ## Actual No message shown, end up at login (might be related to #1080

dq: done
ok: nope

Originally in v5, if I've filled in user metadata for license: https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/assets/1842385/fa7c0338-09c7-4aa9-a45a-2ff12fce2b9a the transaction linked only to the current metadata, i.e. the above video resulted in: ``` dspace5l_licenses=# select *...

dq: in progress
ok: nope

Not sure what the pattern is, but the browser shows just a whitelabel 500 error or if using curl ``` {"timestamp":"2023-10-27T15:38:02.929+00:00","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An exception has occurred","path":"/repository/api/core/bitstreams/handle/11234/1-3185/PDT-C-1.0.zip"} ``` the backend log...

dq: done
ok: check after migration

- [ ] shortref: - [ ] blacklists, whitelist (url validation) (PRIO: shortref should work) - [ ] submission: - [ ] type bind on various types (PRIO: status quo)...

dq: in progress

The https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/clarin/dspace/config/crosswalks/oai/description-olac.xml (configured to be used in https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/clarin/dspace/config/modules/oai.cfg#L27; olac requires this in the identify response; see view-source:http://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/oai/request?verb=Identify)

dq: in progress

the elg crosswalk https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/commits/clarin/dspace/config/crosswalks/oai/metadataFormats/elg.xsl seems missing

dq: in progress

How is the OpenAIRE authority kept up to date? Originally, this https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/clarin/dspace/bin/openaire-refresh-list runs on cron and creates a form-value-pairs list, and this https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/clarin/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/content/authority/OpenAIREAuthority.java makes the list available (jspui/xmlui uses the...

dq: in progress