Dan Kortschak

Results 342 comments of Dan Kortschak

The issue I have with this is the impact that it would have on importing packages. While we are free to break downstream, we try to avoid it if at...

I've just had another look at the plot and axis code and ISTM that the canvas is not needed. `plot.Axis` already knows nearly everything that is needed; as I mentioned...

Sorry, you're right (cold-muddled head). I think I'd be happy with ``` type Ticker interface { Ticks(Axis, vg.Length) []Tick } ``` where the length is calculated by `c.X(1)-c.X(0)` for example...

I don't really like the need to double up the methods. An alternative is to have a conditional setter that hands the axis and length to the ticker for it...

Something like that, yes. Orientation is not a bool though, maybe `horizontal bool`. Though I still think a boolean for an direction is yucky.

I hope to get to look at this reasonably soon.

I think `int` is correct here. As mentioned in an afterthought comment, Go `int` and C `size_t` are likely to be the same size (not in NaCl, and certainly not...

I'm not sure there is much we can do here. There is a workaround in that you can set a min and a max for the axis that will guarantee...

[Here](https://play.golang.org/p/ReF6jFo8Vn) is a Go implementation (from the paper and the R code in the labelling package - MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited according to the R documentation) with modifications...

Please see #235.