@yc9559 Could you publish parameters for : Exynos 9810 (Galaxy S9/Note 9) SD835 EAS (PIXEL 2/ 2 XL)
@yc9559 Thank you for the quick response Can you please give me advice to optimize sd835 (EAS) manually by hand? How did you do it for sd845 Is there any...
@yc9559 Thank you so much locking A73 in 2.0ghz for sd835 works very well. If you don't mind giving tips for manual optimizing EAS for sd820/821 & 810 too based...
@yc9559 One more questions, when using this code (sd835 hmp) `lock_value "0:380000 4:380000" /sys/module/cpu_boost/parameters/input_boost_freq` **380000** frequency is applied to which cores ? **cpu0** and **cpu4** only _(0:380000 1:0 2:0 3:0...
@yc9559 Thank you for your fast response. Also in sd845 EAS `0:1080000 4:0` **cpu0** only _(0:1080000 1:0 2:0 3:0 4:0 5:0 6:0 7:0)_ Or **cpu0**, **cpu1**, **cpu2**, **cpu3** _(0:1080000 1:1080000...