
Results 10 comments of kornflex

Same problem with a xiaomi R3p convert to openwrt and wifi mesh :/

> > I have now tried everything: reset the router and wifi, my robot vacuum completely to factory settings but without success. > > @bsoener apologies if I already asked...

> > In my case, it occurs as soon as homebridge is started. > > @kornflex, if it doesn't connect from the beginning, IMO, this is a different issue from...

> Good morning Unfortunately, I am out of my depth on this question. This would have to do someone who has more knowledge of it. Hello, I have updated my...

> @kornflex FWIW, I have a mesh connection at home as well and it just works. I'm using the Google WiFi routers though. Yes. But in my case, an other...

Hello, Same error for me. Same log files too... Nothing to fix this ? Thank you

> To wait for official support, we have this https://github.com/Romanitho/Winget-Install I tried : winget installed as local system , winget.exe is in the directory. When I try to install "kiosk...

> Latest update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ezQMwnR_4 In the video, they can force install in "affection" In my intune, I just have in "affectation" : "available for devices" only