Takuro Hosomi
Takuro Hosomi
I really appreciate the great efforts of the developers and researchers of DFTB+ and glad to hear that the MD restart will be easier to use in the future (https://github.com/dftbplus/dftbplus/issues/906#issue-1070294132)....
Hi, thanks for your review! I totally agree with your opinion. I have imagined that once new branch is started by `game::play()`, the former branch will be removed. Always only...
I got your idea. I'm sorry for misunderstanding what you want to say. (And, as you say, implementation of `GameTree` should be dealt with before `sgf_export` .) So, could you...
Thank you for your reply. OK, I will work on that. After I have implemented it to the coming version, I will beg your check again. Many thanks!
I agree with this idea. It is because the roles of the filters are highly independent, so we cannot expect large synergy effects by collecting them at one repository. Instead,...
@the-solipsist I'm sorry for not noticing the suggestion for a long time. Honestly I did not know CSL-JSON format, but it seems to be preferred. I will modify the filter...