Koray Orhun
Koray Orhun
My friends told me they waited more than a day. I've waited >1 hour. With similar images process finishes in a few minutes. [8e3b2319a6bc41cab2f5c4507ea7e212.zip](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/files/4213441/8e3b2319a6bc41cab2f5c4507ea7e212.zip) ``` const char* GetText2(const char* input)...
Thanks for the good work. But I had that DllNotFound exception. Then I add `{ @"Installer\Dependencies\VC,redist.x64,amd64,14.24,bundle", "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)" }` for the checkKeys in YoloWrapper.IsMicrosoftVisualCPlusPlus2017Available function, and...
This code works fine with SharpCV 0.7.0 but cannot compile with the newer versions: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Tensorflow.NumPy.NDArray' to 'NumSharp.NDArray' ``` c# public static NumSharp.NDArray _AsNDArray0(this OpenCvSharp.Mat mat) {...
Hi I am trying to compress and decompress byte arrays using your library. I could not understand how I could decode an encoded byte array since I cannot know the...