Korbinian Eckstein

Results 20 comments of Korbinian Eckstein

Maye this could be performed with github actions. We created an automated [github actions build script](https://github.com/korbinian90/CompileMRI.jl/blob/master/.github/workflows/compile.yml) for our project, which compiles on the github servers and attaches the zipped binaries...

We're having similar problems with the version compiled for MacOS, which seems to have very little compatibility when using different OS versions. Our building process is automated using a [github...

You can try with ```julia header = niread(fn; mmap=true).header ``` This opens the data as a memory mapped file, only reading the array from disk, when you actually access it....

Thank you for the answers! I tried deactivating the CPU feature with the command, but it didn't change the error message. I might have placed it at the wrong point...

I would like to register this package. CLEAR-SWI is an acronym for a published method, so I would prefer to keep it uppercase CLEARSWI.jl However, I'm also happy to change...

Thanks for asking! ROMEO interprets the input phase as a wrapped phase being in the range [-pi;pi]. That means for your dataset it is rescaled [0;4095] -> [-pi;pi] and is...

Yes, the range 0 through 4095 is a valid input range for ROMEO, manual scaling is not necessary. Did you encounter problems with the unwrapping?

## Unwrapping As laplacian unwrapping produces arbitrary additions/subtractions and not +-2pi, best to use romeo. In the julia REPL, you can write `?romeo` to get function hints on how to...

And your case of two disconnected regions might require some more tuning of romeo. You can have a look at `?romeo` and try out the different options, otherwise I'm happy...

> Not sure I understand what ROMEO is doing with TE Two things: 1. To improve the weights that guide unwrapping with the first two volumes. It looks for phase...