Sebastian Staudt

Results 104 comments of Sebastian Staudt

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Issues or organization history sounds like you want stats for e.g. the number of closed/opened issues. I think this is interesting, but would...

At the moment `silo init` will either take the current working directory or the given path as the repository to initialize. So you should use `silo init /tmp/backup.git` if you...

Thanks for reporting this. There's an error in the `init` command using the wrong path, but you can safely ignore this at the moment. Using other commands will also create...

Finally fixed path bug in init command Closed by b1186d82d3d8b91c1c09d90949f2c119ab0b2496

Works like a charm for me. What kind of shell are you using? `.` and `*` should be expanded by your shell usually.

Sorry, my fault. Nevertheless, `.` is expanded in `Repository#add` and it works for me in several scenarios. Did you try this in directory other than `~/tmp`?

Maybe it's caused by Kyrillic characters in file names. I'm sorry it doesn't work out if the box for you. Can you provide a bit more information about your environment?...

Argh sorry... I deleted your comment by mistake (GitHub could really ask for confirmation when clicking "delete"). Maybe you can repost it. What I see from my mail notification (also...

Ah ok. So it _is_ a problem inside Silo, Grit or Ruby. Would you mind cloning the repository and run `rake test`?

Ok, `rake test` fails for me on 1.9.2, too. But this seems to be bug in Grit. Maybe I can report that upstream. The `Errno::ENAMETOOLONG` seems to originate from somewhere...