Ideas whats wrong here? MAC from the valve is 00:1A:22:0E:14:73 and ESP32 is next to the valve [10:22:47][C][template.switch:058]: Template Switch 'Refresh Bedroom EQ3' [10:22:47][C][template.switch:059]: Restore State: NO [10:22:47][C][template.switch:060]: Optimistic: NO...
Has to be specified somewhere else? wifi: not enough? Complete YAML config > https://pastebin.com/EkR7WQDD
Ok, let me try without that
Issue remains, looks like it cannot connect to my valve. Do i need to set up anything extra on the valve? MAC is correct ( 00:1A:22:0E:14:73) cuz it was working...
I tried to compile with verbose but couldn't. Im getting a weird error. This kind of logging compiles fine logger: level: DEBUG But this one doesnt, might be a esphome...
Great, here is now the VERBOSE log. If you can get anything useful from it https://pastebin.com/MkjMfWzz
Played with bit valve BLE ON/OFF and it seems it connected now but disconected afterwards LOG > https://pastebin.com/VfVY5Ct3