David Konsumer
David Konsumer
It'd be cool to somehow export to HTML5, or at very least fallback to ogg files with same name. Looks like someone ported libopenmpt to webasm [here](https://github.com/wothke/webMPT), but I'm not...
we should be using [Timestamp](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/google.protobuf#google.protobuf.Timestamp) for fields that represent a date.
I get this error when I try to install I am on OSX 13.3.1 Ghidra Version 10.2.3
I would really like mod-support with soloud, in a couple places that would benefit from static compilation, I think: - nim - I made [a nice soloud wrapper](https://github.com/notnullgames/null0/blob/main/src/null0/soloud.nim) and it...
On web/nodejs host, loading wasm with undefined imports will give me a hint about what is missing, in the default error. It would be helpful to see this sort of...
I am on Mac M1, in docker (just doing some build-testing) so it's technically ARM64 linux. If I run a project that uses node-raylib, it seems to be trying to...
Up to @twuky and @RobLoach, but I think it'd be cool to add my [nice EXE project template](https://github.com/konsumer/node-exe-demo) to README. Currently, the windows-build needs some work (in testing it says...
Raylib5 was released. This branch documents the effort to upgrade. Currently this fails to build. These are missing: - `GenImageGradientV` - `GenImageGradientH` - `LoadModelAnimations` - `DrawLineBezierQuad` - `DrawLineBezierCubic`
jardeltorres reported on raylib discord, so I followed up. The code works fine if the animation is commented out, but segfaults if not. Additionally, I get `TypeError: r.SetMaterialTexture is not...
If this library used `fetch` instead of axios (with cross-fetch as a polyfill for environments that don't have `fetch`) it would be usable in other js environments (deno, bun, cloudflare...