Watchdog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Watchdog copied to clipboard

Simple registration framework for OS X apps. DSA/ECDSA support. No OpenSSL required.

Results 11 Watchdog issues
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There is no documentation on creating the licenses.


Spec: - OS X 10.9.2; - Xcode 5.1.1. Problem: - When I try to display the registration window, Watchdog tries to find it's bundle with resources to get the path...


**Problem:** - If the private key is generated using a curve different than secp384r1 and secp521r1, generated serials can't be validated. **Example:** ``` bash $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1...


I see there was a podspec file, but it's removed for now. Is it possible to bring it back? [Sparkle framework]( seems have solved the problem with static linking by...
