Watchdog copied to clipboard
WatchdogResources.bundle can't be found...
- OS X 10.9.2;
- Xcode 5.1.1.
- When I try to display the registration window, Watchdog tries to find it's bundle with resources to get the path to window's xib, but is unable to find this bundle.
Code to reproduce it:
SRC = [WDRegistrationController sharedRegistrationController];
SRC.publicKeyPEM = @"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n....-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
SRC.serialsStaticBlacklist = @[];
[SRC addObserver: self forKeyPath: ApplicationStateKeyPath options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:nil];
[SRC checkForStoredSerialAndValidateIt];
if (SRC.applicationState < 2) {
[SRC showRegistrationWindow:self];
I've found the problem of that - there is a missing step in the integration of the framework's documentation - copy resources.
If the pull request is accepted, we can close the issue with a reference to it: