> @konstantin-921 It is ok to upgrade directly to `100.1.2+up1.2.4` in the new UI. We have verified this upgrade path > > Please don't use Helm here, it will conflict...
I am forced to reopen the issue. I successfully installed Longhorn 1.2.4 after migration. Then I checked that all resources were created, did scale up/scale down replicas tests. Everything was...
Thank you @innobead! That helped. I was able to update Longhorn to version 1.3.0. But now I can't upgrade engine for some (3 out of 10) of my volumes. Here...
I managed to fix it myself by changing the `spec.dataLocality` field with the command `kubectl edit volume.longhorn.io pvc-a32ff376-ce29-4939-a968-124da3e7d332 -n longhorn-system -o yaml`
> @konstantin-921 What do you set it to? is it `disable`? yes, `disabled`. is it ok?
I know that the main resources are focused on developing the basic functionality of the project. But it would really be great to have a Prometheus endpoint to collect metrics.
Yes, we use LizardFS in commercial development. Right now there is a need to add monitoring for LizardFS. We use prometheus exporters or integrated endpoints to collect any metrics. It...
So far I have added "crutches". I'm running every minute requests via cron using lizardfs-admin. My cron job looks like this: ``` * * * * * sed -i 's/^chunks_availability...
> @konstantin-921 I've sent you an email about this. Please, check your inbox :) For some reason I don't see any new emails from you. Even the spam folder is...