Perfect. i wrote issue #84 some days ago. now it works, here is my configuration: 1) Arduino ver 1.8.12 2) libreria CTbot ver 2.1.5 3) JSON LIBRARY by Benoit Blanchon...
> sytax What is a sytax? i ve modified the file in library as shown in top of this Issue, and it's working now. I wrote my configuration so everyone...
Hi Shurillu thank you for fast reply. i installed your last library, but keep others old: Arduino IDE v1.8.12 ESP8266 V2.6.3 json library by Benoit Blanchon 5.13.3 AND THIS IS...
hmm.. sorry... again. i didnt touched sketch during this day. yesterday night it worked with new library as i told you but today again error "testConnection NOK". Bot is the...
if it's a ip problem, maybe it's time to chain to a dyndns pro account ;-) but everytime it fails we have to upgrade it manually ...it s boring
> > > Hello. Same issue starting from yesterday: unable to connect to server. Maybe they changed ip? > ESP8266, CTBot ver. 3.0.0, ArduinoJson ver. 6.18.0, core 2.7.4 Stefano wrote...
Hey my problem (see title of this issue) seems to be solved, see solution at issue #85 it works for me, hope for tomorrow. here is my personal situation: 1)...
Sorry but i downgraded to 2.1.6 and seeeems to work good. i ve read that msg.sender.id is no more a String but a int64_t or something like that. Question: ```...
Thank you so much. in few hours i ll upgrade again to latest version and i ll try. Using 2.1.6 library i usually do something like that: ``` **SETUP:** String...
Hi shurillu, i tested with new library 2.1.7 and `if (myBot.getNewMessage(msg)== CTBotMessageText) {` well, it does work pretty good: at begin, it didnt, i had to reset several time ESP32...