Jack kong

Results 5 comments of Jack kong

调不起键盘应该和VerificationCodeEditText控件关系不大,把下面代码中的200改为500或1000试一下,MainHandlerUtils.postDelayed({ KeyboardUtils.showSoftInput(et_verification_code) }, 200)

For kotlin projects, please add the following statement to the `build.gradle` file: ``` tasks.whenTaskAdded { task -> if (task.name.matches("compile\\w*Kotlin")) { task.dependsOn('greendao') } } ```

please set **keepStyleOnNewLine** value is **false** for QuillController,like below: ```dart QuillController( keepStyleOnNewLine: false, document: Document(), selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 0), ) ```

Yes,from 9.0.2 version,default value of keepStyleOnNewLine is from false to true and cause above bug