Dongdong Kong

Results 41 issues of Dongdong Kong

I am writing tiff using the following scripts: ```julia begin ga = GeoArray(rand(360, 150)) bbox!(ga, (min_x=-180.0, min_y=-60.0, max_x=180.0, max_y=90.0)) epsg!(ga, 4326) # in WGS84 GeoArrays.write!("test.tif", ga) end ``` When reading...

```ncl print ("============ Min /Max Section=========") print ("============ Min /Max Section=========") print( "This is hello world!") ``` ![image](

Dear @rafaqz Any idea how to calculate the intersection between SpatialLines and `AbstractRaster`? It is valuable for cross section analysis, e.g., Regards.

It seems that oranization secret not work. Is this normal? ```r Request failed [404]. Retrying in 1 seconds... Request failed [404]. Retrying in 2.5 seconds... $detail [1] "Could not find...

Hi @KMarkert I am trying to run VIC with the help of hydrate. But I faced with the problem of no access to google cloud api. I am wondering whether...


```julia using Zarr, YAXArrays using DimensionalData using CFTime # chunksize(c) = Cubes.cubechunks(c) store ="gs://cmip6/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/DKRZ/MPI-ESM1-2-HR/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/3hr/tas/gn/v20190710/" @time g = open_dataset(zopen(store, consolidated=true)) c = g.tas @time kelvinCube = c[time=Between(DateTime("2030-01-01"), DateTime("2030-04-01"))] @time savecube(kelvinCube, "temp-02.zarr")...

# Serial: 8s ```julia using YAXArrays, Statistics, Zarr using DimensionalData using Dates axlist = ( Dim{:time}(Date("2022-01-01"):Day(1):Date("2022-12-31")), Dim{:lon}(range(1, 10, length=1000)), Dim{:lat}(range(1, 5, length=1500)), Dim{:Variable}(["var1", "var2"]) ) data = rand(axlist...) ds =...

The function `tsGRDC` is missing in the current version.

Each time, I open vscode in wsl, I get the warning: ![image]( But `vscode-sublime-merge` was only installed in windows, not wsl.

- Julia: 1.10.2 - GDAL.jl: 1.7.1 A fresh env, with only one package GDAL.jl. GDAL.jl was failed to build. ```julia (v1.10) pkg> st Status `D:\.julia\environments\v1.10\Project.toml` [add2ef01] GDAL v1.7.1 ``` ```julia...