Dongdong Kong

Results 41 issues of Dongdong Kong

```R r$> f = "" r$> f [1] "" ``` `f` is a long string. `radian` only display part of the string.

- powershell + radian, **works** ![image]( - **VSCode** powershell + radian: **not work** ![image]( ## Version - `radian`: the latest version, installed by pip+github.


Points with different quality, should give different weights. Any idea and any plan to implement this feature? Thanks ![image](

```julia julia> using Interpolations # Plots # Lower and higher bound of interval a = 1.0 b = 10.0 # Interval definition x = collect(a:1.0:b) # This can be any...

非常感谢!我在win10 顺利编译出来了。非常震撼! 但是给了一些warning,请问需要在意这些warning吗? ``` Warning message: Package pageslts Warning: Package pdfpages detected. (pageslts) Using hyperref with pdfpages can cause problems. See (pageslts) (pageslts) for the Pdf Annotations eXtractor, pax....

Could you give some guidance about how to publish marp post to github-pages? **References:** [built demo slide on GitHub pages](

Any idea about how to use it in VSCode Marp?

y叔您好, 久仰大名,关注您的公众号很久,学习到很多。 学习您的plotbb,感受到plotbb的渊博和简洁。我有在尝试写lattice的layers(),但与您的版本相比,显得非常粗糙。 之所以没有放弃lattice,是因为他的简洁。对于开发者来说,设计一个新的layer,lattice难度比ggplot低很多。我的研究中的很多地理空间图依赖于lattice。 想向您请教下,您是如何设计出plotbb的?是参考ggplot2的模式吗?如果是lattice layer的话,您有什么建议吗? 祝好, 孔冬冬