Komal Pharate

Results 11 comments of Komal Pharate

I have nodejs code with some modules like opencv4nodejs,fs,etc. Now I want to do is, use electron, create an html page, submit some info, and start my nodejs server(I have...

Actually I'm restricted to use electron only. That is why. One more doubt is , performance of opencv4nodejs gets affetcted by using electron?

Hi, I installed electron and done the implementation mentioned above. I'm getting VideoCapture Issue: `Error: VideoCapture::New - failed to open capture at Timeout._onTimeout (...../liveStreamingController.js:59:24) at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)...

videosource is rtsp url camera I didn't get this:: In the latter case I would assume that the path to the file is simply wrong. Try to resolve the absolute...

Also.. I just want to mention.. Other node modules works fine with electron Just opencv4nodejs doesn't seem to work with electron in my case. And, the issue is with Videocapture...

Yes. I tried opening the stream using PythonOpenCV, CPP OpenCV, Gstreamer tools, ffmpeg, opencv4nodejs module, opencv-npm module. All works fine. Can I know the code you used to do open...

Hi, I couldnt solve the bug so had to remove electron.

Okay. Thanks a lot. Also, I think helmet detection is separately done. So it is not possible to distinguish if the person is wearing a helmet or it is placed...

Hello, The pretrained models are having good acuracy. Can we get the training steps and training data?

It also detects cap with Red,Yellow, White, Blue as helmet. Also people wearing RYWB t-shirts are also getting detected as wearing helmet