Alex Pedenko
Alex Pedenko
I'm actually running into the same exact issue (same mcu, too). Still debugging, but my hunch is that it's the function that converts the quaternion values from integer math to...
Yeah, confirmed. I'll try to get a PR open when I have a minute, but edit `MPU9250_DMP::qToFloat` and change the integer literals from `1` and `2` to `1L` and `2L`,...
I don't see that on mine.. not sure how it's different from yours
@raomin I'd recommend keeping it open until it's actually fixed in the codebase...
because of this change, you need to introduce checks into any function that touches the flash, including ReadMainMemoryPage and ContinuousRead. The reason is that before you couldn't have a situation...
from what i can remember, there were issues with attribute data not carrying over correctly, but it's been a while.
the algorithm does work, but the original intent was to have a windows box be able to push data to a unix server. as a result, the only syntax that...
it's the on-demand that's both good and bad. it's good in scenarios where you don't frequently need it, but costly if you're displaying a list. picture a person with an...
yeah - i got it backwards, but the scenario still holds