Hugo Defrance
Hugo Defrance
Django 1.11 was added to the supported list. Do you have the error with django 2.0? I'll have a look when I get some time.
Hey there! I'm glad that it worked with django 2 out of the box. However, it doesn't with Django 3. I'd be happy to take over this project if you...
I would happily take this over.
Hmm I see... In fact the best would be to separate the auth layer from the authorization. That way, we could login using Github or Google SSO, while the authorizations...
Django 1.9 is no longer supported as deprecated by django. So closing the issue
I'm now the new owner of this project. Thanks @frankwiles for your work! I'll update it soon, but would happily accept pull requests in the meantime if you want.
The project now supports django 3 and 4. Closing the issue!
The project now supports django 3 and 4, so closing this PR. Thanks for your contribution!
Hey there! I would love to see this merged. Any reason it's not?
Hey there! Any news about this feature? Would really love to see it merged. Unless there's a working workaround? Like a way to use a custom model where I could...