Sergey Kokorin
Sergey Kokorin
Failed to send message with parseMode markdown_v2 and additiona reply markup InlineKeyboardMarkup...
**Expected behavior** Markdown V2 text with buttons **Actual behavior** I got `` with null exception. **To Reproduce** ```kotlin val buttons = listOf(InlineKeyboardButton.CallbackData("text", "data")) sendMessage(text="[text](text)", parseMode = ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2, replyMarkup = InlineKeyboardMarkup.create(buttons))...
I have some doubts in the approach I'm using. Though classes seems to be ok, but I cant interpret the bounding box coordinates.
When I try to open pdf file I got the exception. Some times it opens, sometimes the eclipse is shutdown after that. Ubuntu 11.10, eclipse indigo, texlipse 1.5. com.sun.pdfview.PDFParseException: Unsupported...
I cant install this extension in VSCoduim, is there any ideas how I can use it with that version of VC?
I would like to cover next case which I'm actively use to minimize the dot files: ```dot digraph name { fontsize=48 bgcolor="transparent" rankdir=LR; node [shape=box, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor="#333333", fontcolor="#ffffff"]; {node [fillcolor="#952877";...
## Checklist - [x] I have included information about relevant versions. - [x] I have verified that the issue persists when using the `master` branch of Faust. ## Steps to...
Is it possible to request resource with timeout. Context: I'm trying to simulate impatience and I stumble upon situation, when an order is stuck for very long on resource request...