
Results 4 issues of kokocooler2020

When clicking the element with the middle mouse button,a new page/tab will be open, then, the timeout of the new page is 30second. i try to change timeout use this:...

在拨出视频通话时, 拨号界面已经播放了假视频, 当对方接受视频通话, 电话接通后, 本次通话被降级为语音通话: 环境: Android11 + virtual_cam4.4 可疑log如下: com.google.android.dialer W/DialerInCallFragment: com.android.incallui.incall.impl.InCallFragment.handleMultiWindowModeState:1093 **fragment not initialized and cannot handle multiwindow change** com.google.android.dialer E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-2248-17](id:8c800000011,api:3,p:835,c:2248) connect: already connected (cur=3 req=3) SurfaceUtils:...

在mpflutter2.0模板工程下使用fvm管理flutter版本,将flutter版本设置为3.15.0-15.1.pre (对应Dart: **3.2.0**), 然后执行:fvm dart ./scripts/build_wechat.dart,输出: ====== 欢迎使用 MPFlutter Build Tools ====== 特别提示你: 1. MPFlutter Build Tools 目前不是开源项目 2. 禁止反编译、修改 MPFlutter Build Tools 程序(在获得 MPFlutter 团队同意的情况下除外) 3. 禁止在未获取授权的情况下,移除 UNLICENSED 标识...

**Describe the bug** When create a large number of collections (say 300), creating new collections will slow down. I was using a Collection of cbl_flutter as a container for AI...
