Kohhee Peace

Results 36 comments of Kohhee Peace

@dduqueti Hi, I encountered same issue, For example `Category` has_many `SubCategories`. ```ruby categories = Category.includes(:sub_categories).all # this is the problem line render jsonapi: categories, include: [:sub_categories] ``` The result of...

issue ref: https://github.com/kohheepeace/mr-pdf/issues/47

@thevpc I need screenshots for sample.

Super easy Ref: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/5345

Issue link here: https://github.com/kohheepeace/mr-pdf/issues/46

Super easy Ref: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/5345

@covalentbond I think you are right.

[memo] There are two types of internal links. 1. link to another doc `` 2. Link to another heading `` After TOC feature, I think 2 become not working. For...

Super Nice 👍 and sorry for my laziness.

Your fork is super cool with beautiful tests included. May I ask you a few questions? Does this new fork include a fix for the issue labeled as a bug...