Koen Punt

Results 198 comments of Koen Punt

Even though nvm support io.js, `.node-version` would still be relevant. And to be fair, nvm stands for "node version manager", and io.js isn't node, it's node compatible. That being said,...

The purpose of `.node-version` is that you want a static, consistent version. Specifying an alias would defy that purpose.

nodenv differentiates between node and iojs with definitions like `0.10.36` and `iojs-1.0.0` (as seen in their [README](https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv#choosing-the-node-version)). And it requires that exact version to be installed. Installing of that version...

My assumption was it wouldn't work with the `v` prefix, but it does: ``` $ cat .node-version v5.12.0 $ nodenv version 5.12.0 (set by /Users/koenpunt/.../.node-version) ``` rvm I don't know,...

What about [`nvm-exec`](https://github.com/creationix/nvm/blob/master/nvm-exec)?

This depends on how you installed yarn. Because if you install it standalone, there should be no problem. So how did you install yarn?

It seems like you have not the correct version of node installed. `The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">= 4.3 < 5.0.0 || >= 5.10".` What's...

Can you give an example of why you don't want to automatically add the hooks?

If what you're saying is that this can be achieved by using roles, I don't see why we need another way of doing this. Also because like other Capistrano tasks,...

Although you might be able to unregister the after hooks, or you could conditionally redefine the `nvm:validate` and `nvm:map_bins` with a no-op implementation.