I use Babysmash to prevent my daughter from destroying my computer (she loves the windows key) while doing video calls. I missed an option to disable all sound output so...
We use the `databaseRoot` parameter of [`UseInMemoryDatabase`](https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/blob/0e2cb903ffcc8039df46cd1854638c92e168a145/src/EFCore.InMemory/Extensions/InMemoryDbContextOptionsExtensions.cs#L118) to provide test isolation when using the in-memory provider. Unfortunately setting this parameter leads to a huge performance overhead because the model is...
- Remove the DatabaseRoot from the InMemoryOptionsExtension service provider equality condition. - Remove the DatabaseRoot from the InMemorySingletonOptions. - Resolve the IInMemoryStore in a scoped service (IInMemoryStoreProvider) instead of a...