R. König

Results 12 issues of R. König

I you digitize a line in line-layer "Haupt..." in attached sample-project in QGIS some default values are calculated based on a underlying polygon-layer "alle..." (see example). (The spatial query is...

### Enhancement: Add a opportunity to emit a signal to USB-Port to steer a USB-relais as a result of a query QField is designed to be used in the field....


In QGIS you can install additional python librairies to use them in custom functions: For example you can add python-"simpleaudio" through OSGeo4W-shell to your QGIS-installation with "pip install simpleaudio". Using...


### Describe the issue When using value relations in a project you can add child features to a parent feature. While adding a child-feature a first time there are "Remember...


### Describe the issue Digitized feature remains as newly digitized feature althrough digitizing is cancelled when using relations ### Reproduction steps Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Create a project...

### Feature description It would be great if QGIS allows (html-)maptip-content to be "copy and paste"-able in a proper way. You may setup a maptip to display some information containig...

Feature Request

It would be great to have the abiltiy to "multi-duplicate" a feature: Now you can select a feature and duplicate it just once. But if you have -for example -...


### Describe the issue When digitizing with a complex qgis/qfield-project (lots of fields, constraints, default values, and photo-attachements) sometimes QField crashes when adding a photo-attachment after pressing the "ok" button...


### Describe the issue As it's recommended in #5194 to use the QField-camera-function it will be great when QField-camera will detect the (rounded) camera-/tablet orientation (landscape format / portrait format)...

It seems that qgis-crashes are caused by cable-export of a project which conatins (only) a materialized-view-layer. I have a postgresql-materialized view (which dissolves lots of polygons to some outlines). While...