
Results 11 issues of koenichiwa

- Pulled `ScheduleFields` and `Field` to their own file. - Pulled OrdinalIter and OrdinalRangeIter to the ordinal.rs file. - in the end I decided that it might be better to...

Current work for #77. Still a work in progress. It has a logical errror I'm trying to fix. After that I'm looking into combining prev_from and next_after using an enum...

Because I fixed two of the metaissues in #67 and I would like to use them easily in my own personal project. I was wondering what could be done to...

PrevFromQuery and NextAfterQuery are almost the same. This is also true for next_after(...) and prev_from(...) in Schedule. This seems to break with the DRY principle. You could implement Query as...

The Sonos box is not detected by spt. This is handled in #426. When I change the device with another Spotify player to my Sonos box, spt shows an extensive...

### Applies To - [X] Notebooks (.ipynb files) - [ ] Interactive Window and\/or Cell Scripts (.py files with \#%% markers) ### What happened? Info: - I have a completely...


Hey I just did a fresh install of miniconda, and used pip to install tensorflow and tensorflow_decision_forests Some of the packages that are installed now are ``` tensorboard 2.13.0 tensorboard-data-server...

I was curious if the table output could be in LaTeX form. Taking some inspiration from [pandas DataFrame.to_latex()](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.to_latex.html), you could have an output similar to: ```latex \begin{tabular}{lrr} \toprule {} &...

good first issue

Hi I had a question regarding the safety of `remove_alias`. The safety explanation is a bit hard for me to understand. Especially this part: >You must consume the adapted iterator...

I have a test package that depends on its parent package. The test code thus depends on the parent package. It seems that compiletest-rs doesn't use the dependencies in Cargo.toml,...